El Sutra del Corazón

Necesito Paz. Extrañamente, en este texto que puede parecer tan lejano y ambiguo, encontré una luz muy preciada en su momento. Creo que podría llegar a entender cómo, comprendiendo todos los conceptos en su totalidad, se llegaría a la tan mentada "Iluminación".

Los créditos van para
Buddha's Light Publishing
In conjunction with the Center for Sutra translation and Research
University of the West
Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra: Translated from the Chinese Version of Xuanzang
Venerable Yifa, Michael Charles Owens, Peter Mathew Romanskiewicz

Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra

The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, while practicing
the profound prajnaparamita, clearly saw that
all five skandhas are empty, thus overcoming all
form is no different from empty,
empty no different from form,
form is just empty,
empty just form,
sensation, perception, volition and consciousness
are also like this.
Sariputra, this is the emptiness of all dharmas:
they neither arise nor cease,
are neither defiles nor pure,
neither increse nor decrease.
For this reason within emptiness there is no form,
no sensation, perception, volition or consciousness;
no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind;
no sight, sound, scent, taste, touch, or thought;
no seeing... even no thinking;
no ignorance nor end of ignorance,... even
no aging and death, nor end of aging and death;
no suffering, origin, cessation or path;
no wisdom and no attainment.
Because nothing is attaines,
bodhisattvas maintain prajnaparamita,
then their heart is without hindrance,
and since without hindrance, without fear;
escaping upside-down, dream-like thinking,
and completely realizing nirvana.
All buddhas of all times maintain prajnaparamita,
thus attaining anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
Hence know, prajnaparamita is
the all-powerfull mantra,
the great enlightening mantra,
the unequaled mantra,
able to dispel all suffering.
This is true, not false.
Therefore proclaim the prajnaparamita mantra.
Recite the mantra thus:
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!

El Alma en su Laberinto ·· Hoy, meditativa....

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Vaaaaamoosss... Vos y yo sabemos que querés comentar!!! ;o)